Routine Exams and Screenings
Annual Wellness Exams
Cats age much faster than we do, and a lot can happen in a year.
A wellness visit gives our feline specialists the opportunity to check on your cat’s overall health, from their heart to their teeth. And it gives the veterinarian a chance to ask important questions about diet, activity, unusual symptoms and general cat care - which all help us monitor your cat’s health together.
We generally recommend annual exams, so we can do our best to ensure your cat lives the best and longest life.
When a cat reaches the age of 12, we recommend semi-annual exams since changes can occur much quicker as cats age.
Our veterinarians know that every cat is an individual (just like people). So we spend the time to examine each of our patients with that personal approach. We then tailor their vaccinations and healthy life practices to their lifestyle and age.
Did you know that 90 percent of cats over age 8 have dental disease? That’s important because it can lead to heart and kidney disease. Regular exams mean we can recommend when to schedule a dental cleaning.
Schedule a wellness visit for your feline family member today.
Routine Blood Screening
The same as middle-aged and older people, changes in your cat’s health will occur as they age. Being alert to changes in your cat’s behavior and habits and seeking veterinary care will help ensure early detection and timely treatment if there is a problem.
In order for us to fully care for your cat, comprehensive blood testing is necessary. We recommend yearly for cats over 8 years of age and semi-annually for geriatric cats (13 and up).